10 largest natural parks in the US

Green Info World

The ten largest national parks in the United States are:

1. **Wrangell-St. Elias** (Alaska) - 13,175,799 acres

2. **Gates of the Arctic** (Alaska) - 8,472,506 acres

3. **Denali** (Alaska) - 6,075,029 acres

4. **Katmai** (Alaska) - 4,093,077 acres

5. **Lake Clark** (Alaska) - 4,030,015 acres

6. **Death Valley** (California/Nevada) - 3,408,406 acres

7. **Glacier Bay** (Alaska) - 3,223,384 acres

8. **Yellowstone** (Wyoming/Montana/Idaho) - 2,219,791 acres

9. **Kobuk Valley** (Alaska) - 1,750,716 acres

10. **Everglades** (Florida) - 1,508,938 acres.


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